Sponsor We are very pleased that this event is sponsored by Vitaflo www.vitaflo.co.uk
Many policies** state that to “deliver high quality sustainable healthcare globally” we need:
Patient empowerment e.g. Ready Steady Go and Hello programmes
Patient owned electronic record enabling patients and healthcare professionals to share information on-line e.g. My Medical Record
Focussed healthcare professional practice through strategies such as Motivational Interviewing
Centralised information resources –a vision/work in progress e.g a virtual assistant
The Ready Steady Go and Hello programmes help empower young people and adults to manage their healthcare by equipping them with the skills, knowledge and confidence to manage their condition by using a structured framework to facilitate discussion and education. This is important for all patients with a long term condition including those with learning disabilities and those attending Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).
This day will now be run as a virtual event using the Zoom platform. Please sign up using the Eventbrite box below and you will receive further instructions about accessing the event. Aims of the day
Familiarise participants with the tools that can help deliver high quality sustainable healthcare for patients and families from childhood, through transition and into adult services
Discuss the psychosocial impacts of living with a long term condition and explore strategies to address these issues.
Share examples of good practice and resources and identify areas that require additional resource development
Topics will be introduced through presentations followed by lively discussion. Who is the study day for Anyone involved with patient care in both children and adult services:- the multi-disciplinary team, commissioners, representatives of patient groups, service leads, NHS decision makers
If you would like to present a case study/share a resource please send a brief summary to [email protected]
Course Organisers Dr Arvind Nagra, Consultant Paediatric Nephrologist Dr Paul Grundy, Consultant Neurosurgeon Kath Evans - Director of Nursing at Barts Health