We know that this is a region brimming with healthcare superstars, and we believe that collaboration and knowledge sharing are crucial in driving progress.
Our aim is to build a supportive multidisciplinary innovation forum where you can showcase your fantastic projects, share ideas for future ventures, discuss lessons learnt from project failures and get support from others. We’ve signposted some resources and tools and love to hear from you with others that would be helpful. Check out the education pages for links to QI courses.
Have you implemented positive change within your department? We want to hear from you!
Email [email protected] with a summary of your project, so we can share and inspire the wider paediatric community. You can either use this project summary or send us your poster. Make sure you include the aim, interventions (including improvement methodology), results (data over time), how you involved users and a summary of lessons learnt.
Kick Starting your QI Project
Check out the resources below to help get your project off the ground:
We love the motto ‘share seamlessly, steal shamelessly’. With this in mind it’s really important to write up your project not only for your own department/portfolio but to share with others at training days, conferences and on this site! Remember many projects don’t achieve what they set out to. These experiences are incredibly valuable and we hope by sharing these challenges, others may avoid making the same mistakes in the future. So don’t feel you should only write up success stories – the lessons learned section is vital
Some handy guides to help you when writing up your project or submitting to conferences.
Do you have an idea for a project, but need helpers to get it off the ground? Or are you approaching the end of your placement and want someone to carry on the fantastic project you've been working on?
Upload your project brief here, and we can share it on this page to help find you support.
If there are any projects posted that you'd be interested in getting involved with, please email [email protected] with your contact details and state which project you are interested in.