Background: PREP 6/7 (previously known as PREP 3) is the regional training programme for ST6/7 (8), General and GRID Paediatric trainees. It is aimed at building management, leadership and other generic skills from PROGRESS+ curriculum rather than clinical skills, which were the focus of PREP 1 and 2.
Timetable & Organisation: The timetable has been reviewed following feedback from trainees and we have been running as a 3 year programme. However, with Progress+ we are transitioning to a 2 year programme in due course. A trainee is allotted to organise and lead each day. Download a guide to organising a PREP 6/7 day below.
Obviously, there may be some changes if people are going out of programme or on maternity leave and it is vital we are kept up to date if your circumstances are changing. Please liaise with the trainee lead. If you are unable to make your slot in due course please contact the person overseeing PREP 6/7 at that time.
There are 6 days per year, 3 of which are Simulation days. The simulation days will usually be at University Hospital Southampton but we will encourage trainees to explore hosting PREP 6/7 days at locations across the region in order to utilise local expertise where possible. A considerable amount of work goes into planning senior SIM days and it is expected that trainees attend the entire day.
Simulation sessions are run by 2 senior trainees Dr Sophie Cottam and Dr Friyana Mackenzie; and are supported by consultants Dr Clarissa Chase and Dr Tom Cromarty.
Dr Kate Pryde is the consultant overseeing the PREP 6/7 programme. Dr Kary Sun is the trainee lead for PREP6/7 ([email protected]).
Attendance: The minimum required attendance is 4 out of 6 days (pro rata for LTFT trainees). Failure to attend the minimum required days could result in failure to pass ARCP. Should you find yourself struggling to make days due to work or annual leave commitments, please escalate this early to your rota co-ordinator who should endeavour to make you available to attend. If a trainee is on a long day then ideally, they should be covered until they can return following PREP 6/7 rather than leave PREP 6/7 early. Please note, it is not required for you to attend PREP if it is on a zero day or if you are post-nights.
In addition, there are non-compulsory days such as the PIER conference and MRCPCH Question setting. While these are not compulsory, it is expected you will attend once per cycle as a minimum (ie once every 3 years as a minimum).
If your trust isn’t enabling you to attend a training day please advise Dr Pryde as soon as possible, ideally prior to the day..
Note - plan PREP 6/7 days early. They are not as frequent as PREP 1 and 2 therefore it can be tricky to make sure you meet the minimum required attendance. Early planning can avoid this.
We are now fully back to a face to face programme. We appreciate that some speakers may find it easier to present virtually. We can facilitate this if required, but trainees will be expected to be present in person.