We encourage creation of guidelines wherever a need is identified and will support individuals to take this initiative. Those interested should refer to the following steps when writing a regional guideline:
Guideline written using available local and national resources
Send to the relevant clinical network representatives AND clinical network lead (see list below)
If guideline requires general paediatric review rather than speciality network, send to PIER regional representatives (list available here)
Pharmacists MUST be involved in guidelines which include drugs. Pharmacists may come from any regional Trust
Collaboration with other stakeholders (such as specialities) as required
Once clinical network have actioned comments and final guideline agreed, move to step 2
Step 2
Regional electronic sign off
Complete this form including all required information. Upon submission, this will send the completed guideline to all signatories who will be required to confirm that the guideline is complete.
Please include a pharmacy representative if the guideline includes medications
For revised/renewed guidelines, only the authors signature and one other clinical network representative signature is required unless there have been significant changes in recommendations
Step 3
Governance review and sign off
Once all signatures are received, the PIER admin team will send the completed guideline to Governance for sign off. Governance is currently run at Southampton Children's Hospital.
Step 4
Upload to PIER
Once governance approval is given, the guideline will be uploaded to the PIER website and highlighted in the 'New/Updated Guidelines' header
After 3 years
Guideline Renewal/Updating
Every guideline will require review after 3 years
The guideline author and relevant clinical network lead will be contacted in advance to inform them that the guideline is reaching the end of the 3 year period
If no changes are required, the clinical network lead and author can sign off the guideline again using the form in Step 2
If significant changes are required, the guideline will need to go through the regional consultation process from Step 1
Video Guideline/Education Governance Process
Step 1 Identify the need
Ensure similar resources are not available elsewhere
Link with the relevant speciality network clinical lead and specialist nurse(s)
Step 2 Create and check storyboard
Create a storyboard for the video
Review the storyboard with the following people before starting filming
High quality filming should be achieved wherever possible - discuss with local education team for available resources
Use closed captioning where possible
If the video contains patients, written consent must be obtained and retained by the video author. Consent forms must also be sent with video submission to PIER
Review completed video with PIER education lead and relevant clinical specialist
Step 4 Governance submission and Upload to PIER
When completed, send the video with accompanying consent forms (if applicable) to [email protected]
The video will then be submitted to governance (currently at Southampton Children's Hospital) for sign off and upload to the PIER website
Clinical Network Contacts
Local operational delivery network leads
Neonatal (Thames Valley and Wessex neonatal network) - Victoria Puddy - [email protected]
South Paediatric Neurosciences ODN - Andrea Whitney - a[email protected]