PREP Charter The Wessex PREP programme is the envy of many paediatric trainees across the country but it doesn’t happen without a significant amount of hard work and organisation by all those involved. The Consultants, Registrars and Allied Professionals who teach on the days do so in their own valuable time and for free, to better the education and learning experiences of paediatric trainees across the region.
This charter aims to explain all aspects of each stage of the PREP programme and sets out a framework of conduct for organisers and trainees.
Attendance The attendance list is sent to Wessex Local office and apologies are to be sent in advance to the Programme Lead if for any reason you cannot attend (see contact details on the relevant PREP page).
Local Teaching All units have established educational programmes including journal clubs and X-Ray meetings. In addition to the established curriculum-training programme mentioned above, there are opportunities to attend specialist meetings within the sub-specialty groupings, which are open to all trainees. All postings include three hours of teaching time weekly with an expectation of attendance of at least 70%. In addition the SUHT consultants and colleagues in neighbouring hospitals support informal training sessions towards the clinical parts of the MRCPCH examination. The Wessex local office has an excellent professional development series of courses, which are available to all trainees, include leadership skills training. Information on study leave and budget is available here.