Tuesday 12th
1100 - 1200
The Mysterious World of the Laboratory
Malcolm Robinson |
You Don't Know What You Don't Know - Drugs, Danger and County Lines
The No Limits Team |
Renal Masterclass
Shuman Haq |
CAMHS Conundrums
Superior Safety-Netting
David Owen and Friends |
An Approach to the Diagnosis of Hypophosphataemic Rickets in Children and an Update on X-Linked Hypophosphataemia
Professor Zulf Mughal |
Despite PIER 2020 moving online we are very keen to continue with the submitted abstracts part of the conference. Clearly there will be some changes but we are confident of delivering high quality presentations and ePosters, as in previous years.
Key Points
Key Points
- The top abstracts will be selected for 15-minute online presentation. This presentation will be through the virtual conferencing software, with slides and limited discussion still possible.
- Any other accepted abstracts will be as ePosters, visible on the PIER website
- We would be especially interested in the ways people within the PIER network have innovated during the COVID-19 disruption, these include topics such as-
- Moving education online
- Research on COVID-19
- Changes in clinical practice and innovative ways of dealing with new challenges
Guidelines for Abstract Submission
Abstracts will need to be submitted via the online submission form below. The abstract cannot contain more than 300 words. Authors names, affiliations and abstract title are not included in the word count The abstract has to be entered in the accompanying form with the following structure:
Prior to submission please ensure that your abstract does not contain spelling, grammatical or scientific errors. No corrections are possible after the submission deadline. The abstract text as well as the abstract title and the list of authors will be reproduced exactly as submitted. No proof reading will be done If you have not previously submitted or written a conference abstract please see examples from previous years or discuss with your local PIER lead An abstract can be submitted to PIER 2020 even if it has been submitted elsewhere Abstracts will be scored by a team of individuals from across the region, including AHPs, nurses and doctors. Precise presentation and ePoster guidelines will be sent alongside acceptance correspondence. |
Abstract Template
Abstract Title Author One (Given Name, Last Name) & affiliation (place of work), Author Two & affiliation, Author Three & affiliation etc Objectives and background: Provide a brief summary of background information to help the reader understand your specific project (3-5 sentences). What were the key aims/reasons for your work? Methods: A summary of the methodology used to address your question/problem (3-4 sentences). How did you collect the data? How did you analyse the data? Results: A summary of your findings (3-5 sentences). Specific things to consider (depending on if research, QI or education) include - Key research results and figures, impacts/changes resulting from QI projects and education initiatives. Before and after comparisons. Qualitative feedback etc. Conclusions: What do your findings mean (for your practice and for the region etc.) (2-4 sentences)? What future work would be useful/should be done? |
Poster Presentation Guidelines
Please read these guidelines carefully before starting the preparation of your poster. Format and Content of your poster
Poster Templates
A basic template for a conference poster can be downloaded by clicking on the link here. Please change any colours, position of boxes and additional data presentation as required. Other examples of posters can be found here. Please include the conference logo on any poster presentations. The logo can be downloaded here. |