The 3rd Wessex & Thames Valley Paediatric Infectious Diseases course took place on 6 November 2020.
The one-day course was for consultants, trainees and specialist nurses who look after acutely unwell children with infections. Most of the teaching was be based on cases that have presented across the region. An interactive, case based approach was be adopted to highlight pitfalls in diagnosis and management of a range of presentations including:
Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia – One size fits all?
investigating the child with recurrent infections
Is this PIMS-TS or just a febrile child?!
A Dutch girl with fever and abdominal pain
Intracranial complications of ENT infections
The child with persisting fever
The child with altered behaviour
Date: 2021 date to be confirmed
Time: TBC
Programme: Please click here to view the programme for the 2020 event.