Join us for our 3rd Annual Paediatric Neurosciences Festival in 2025!
This year we are taking a multidisciplinary perspective, travelling along the 'Neurodevelopmental Journey' from Birth to Adulthood for those with Neurodisability and Neurodiversity. Exploring pathways to diagnosis, support and challenges faced by patients, families and professionals along the way.
This day is aimed at all multi-professionals who have an interest and professional involvement with children and families with Neurodisabilities and Neurodiversities who work within the Paediatric Neurosciences South ODN network. This includes medical, nursing, midwifery and AHP's within Tertiary, DGH's, community & primary care, and the wider NHS services.
Key note address from the Paediatric Neurosciences South ODN Leads
Included in the day will be 4 thematic sessions with speakers from around the network presenting diverse and innovative sessions on:
Neonatal and Early Years
Primary School Years
Secondary School Years
Transition to Adulthood
New for the 2025 Festival are poster presentations from the 'Specialist Paediatric Neurosciences and Neurosurgical Course' graduates, sharing their course learning, reflections and service development outcomes.